The Zen Computer Dojo


An introduction to the Zen Computer Dojo--what it is, whom it's for



Answers to frequently asked questions about zen and Zen Computer



The Zen Computer philosophy in published form

about the author


ZC Speaks

A forum for members to mix with other members


The 01 Pixel Gallery

Featuring artwork from members of the Zen Computer Dojo


24-Hour Zen

A zen thought about anything



Books recommended by the Zen Computer Dojo and its members

with book covers | text only


What You Can Do

Pitching in at the Zen Computer Dojo



Where else you can go today



Zen Computer goods


E-mail / Guest Book

Write to the Zen Computer Dojo or add your name to the mailing list

Spring 2002

The first rule of Zen Computer is, "Expect the unexpected." A lot of unexpected things have happened lately in my own life--namely, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with stomach cancer. (If you want to know more about that situation, you can click here.) It just goes to show that . . . you never know.

To be honest, my main focus on the web to date has gone into building But with the recent release of the paperback edition of Zen Computer, I'm hoping that this site, too, will begin to take off. I'll continue building this site as my own pace, as my health allows. But the ultimate success will be determined by you (see Welcome). The more you can bring to this site, the better it will be. I'll announce the launch of the new site by e-mail when it is completed. (Sign the guest book to make sure you're on the mailing list.) In the meantime, be well, and may you follow the Way wherever it leads.

The ZC Dojo is an extension of the book Zen Computer by the book's author and dojo founder Philip Toshio Sudo. Sudo is also author of Zen Guitar, Zen Sex, and the newly released Zen 24/7: All Zen/All the Time .

Check it out:

--Phil's Cancer Journal

Thoughts on zen and the art of living with cancer


--Zen Computer in paperback

Now available in stores everywhere. You can order it here as well.