Dojo Overview



An introduction to the Zen Computer Dojo--what it is, who it's for


What's New

Recent changes at the Zen Computer Dojo



Answers to frequently asked questions about zen and Zen Computer



The Zen Computer philosophy in published form

about the author


ZC Speaks

A forum for members to mix with other members


The 01 Pixel Gallery

Featuring artwork from members of the Zen Computer Dojo


24-Hour Zen

A zen thought about anything



Books recommended by the Zen Computer Dojo and its members

with book covers | text only


What You Can Do

Pitching in at the Zen Computer Dojo



Where else you can go today



Zen Computer goods


E-mail / Guest Book

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Welcome | What's New | FAQ | Book | ZC Speaks | 01 Pixel Gallery | 24-Hour Zen |

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