Happy Birthday

October 20, 2001

I made it to 42. Not that I ever doubted I would. But back in April, when I first got my cancer diagnosis, this day seemed awfully far away. I'm glad that it--and I--am here.

Hard to believe that only a year ago, I was living on Maui, enjoying the Pacific life of sun and sand. Of course, I was also oblivious to the tumor growing inside my stomach. Ignorance was bliss back then. But I'm thankful to have found out the truth, painful though the road has been ever since.

I think about my dad dying at age 54, and how that always seemed so young to pass on. Now that number looks like a mountain to climb. More than ever, I know the only way between here and there is by living each day with hope for tomorrow.

This morning my daughter gave me a handmade birthday card that said,

Dear Daddy,

Gess how much I love you. I love you more than the hole wide wold! I hope you have happy 42ent birthday! I wish you dident have kanser.

Has anyone ever received a sweeter birthday wish? Amidst such love, how could this day--any day--be less than happy?

I welcome 42. I'd be only too happy to call it "middle" age.

photo: 20 oct 01
